How Do People With Disabilities Drive Their Vehicles?

disabled person driving a vehicle

People With Disabilities Drive Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles with Driving Controls!

disabled person using handicap-accessible driving controls

Driving controls are devices that allow people with disabilities to drive their wheelchair accessible vehicles.

Hand controls allow the driver to operate both the brake and gas pedals.

These controls use levers mounted below the steering wheel and attached to the pedals.

Spinner knobs allow safe steering of the vehicle by drivers who steer with only one hand, or who cannot grip the steering wheel at all.

These controls are customized to each individual driver and are adapted for each person’s specific capabilities.

What an amazing help these modifications bring to give independence to people with disabilities and allow them to drive their own vehicles!

Victim of Terror Attack Receives New Lease on Life With Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle

Muataz Azooz was a victim of a terrorist attack while working as a liaison to the US Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, resulting in the amputation of both legs.  Relocated to the US, he says he received a new lease on life thanks to MagicMobility Vans.
Moving about with a wheelchair can be hard without a wheelchair accessible van.
His daughter has Down Syndrome, and the van allows freedom for the whole family to ride together for medical appointments, shopping, and errands around town.
Above all, Muataz says to @inspiremoreofficial,  his family is so happy going on trips feeling like a regular family.
Accordingly, they can travel in freedom because of the van provided through this act of generosity.
It has been a real “life-changer” for them.
Furthermore, Muataz  adds: “I would like adapted vans for people with disabilities to be made available to everyone.”
Wheelchair accessible vans make a real difference, and for those who cannot afford these very expensive vehicles, the gift of a van changes their lives.
Please consider a donation of any amount towards another van. It makes a great tax deduction too!

National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association is our Featured Partner

NMEDA logo and description

Here’s a shoutout to one of our favorite partners, NMEDA, National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association.

They are a trade association we work with that specializes in helping people with disabilities drive or be transported safely in their own vehicle.
If you are looking to convert or buy a  wheelchair accessible van, car, or truck, they can put you in touch with a trusted mobility equipment dealer in your area.
And if you cannot afford to convert a vehicle, MagicMobility Vans is here to help you get one!
We both share a common passion of providing wheelchair-accessible vehicles to those in need.
To donate towards one, visit our website to find out how.