Our Beneficiary

Award-Winning Summer Program

“Heaven on Earth”

Camp HASC is an award winning summer program that provides over 300 mentally and physically handicapped children and adults with the opportunity to enjoy a seven week sleep-away camp experience.

HASC Parents of the Year

Daniel and Judy Goodman

Special Kids Fund founders, Daniel and Judy Goodman were honored by the HASC Camp organization as Parents of the Year. Daniel, in his work for Special Kids Fund, is personally involved with each and every one of their wheelchair van program transfers to needy families; caring for their special needs child, the family, and giving proper courtesy and appreciation to the donor.

MagicMobility Vans by Special Kids Fund founders are presented with the Parents of the Year award by HASC.
Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center, Manhattan, NY – HASC Annual Concert. Following the presentation an anonymous donor in the audience dedicated a camp bunk for $300,000!
MagicMobility Vans founders with their son during HASC visiting day
On Camp HASC visiting day, Daniel is adjusting their son Israel's wheelchair, while Mom and son share the happiness of the special day.

Want to contribute to the amazing special place of Camp HASC?

Donations sent will help our beneficiary Camp HASC. You can donate through our site here online, or you have the option to mail a check directly.

Camp HASC donations may be mailed to:

Special Kids Fund, Inc.
ATTN: HASC Tribute
111 Autumn Road
Lakewood, NJ 08701