Supporting Seniors & Adults

Mobility is essential to living well at every age.

Donate a wheelchair van or give to support the elderly and adults in your area with disabilities and debilitating illnesses. Imagine for a moment…what it would be like to be in a perpetual state of limitation, and under a virtual ‘house arrest’ without mobility.

Did You Know?

Those without mobility options feel a disconnection from activities, others, and the world. According to the CDC, “Adults with disabilities reported mental distress 4.6 times as often as those without disabilities.”

Supporting Seniors & Adults 

Wheelchair Vans Make A Real Difference.

According to the CDC, social isolation was associated with about a 50% increased risk of dementia and other serious medical conditions.

The APA reports that mental and emotional health is a real concern for those who are isolated due to lack of resources to fulfill their social needs. By providing wheelchair-accessible vans to seniors and adults with disabilities and debilitating diseases, you are giving them an invaluable resource to help these individuals reconnect to others and the world.

MagicMobility Vans recipients inside and next to their new van donations inside a polaroid feature.
Social isolation was associated with about a 50% increased risk of dementia and other serious medical conditions.
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Supporting Seniors & Adults 

Wheelchair Vans Make A Real Difference.

According to the CDC, social isolation was associated with about a 50% increased risk of dementia and other serious medical conditions.

The APA reports that mental and emotional health is a real concern for those who are isolated due to lack of resources to fulfill their social needs. By providing wheelchair-accessible vans to seniors and adults with disabilities and debilitating diseases, you are giving them an invaluable resource to help these individuals reconnect to others and the world.

MagicMobility Vans recipients inside and next to their new van donations inside a polaroid feature.
Social isolation was associated with about a 50% increased risk of dementia and other serious medical conditions.
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"He uses a wheelchair as a means of transportation. He loves going on outings with our other residents but due to not having a van, he is unable to attend much of the outings."